Dental Cleanings Specialist
Nothing is more important to maintaining a happy and healthy smile than regular dental cleaning appointments. Dental cleanings and overall checkup appointments form the backbone of the practice at Pingree Smile Center in Pingree Grove, IL, and are where lasting relationships begin.
• 847-453-3701
Dental Cleanings Q & A
Why are dental cleanings so important?
Research has shown that an individual’s dental health is integral to maintaining a healthy state of overall health and well-being. Dental conditions can be an indicator of disease elsewhere within the body, and in some cases can even cause disease due to the introduction of bacteria into the human system. Regular dental cleaning is a critical component of maintaining excellent oral health. In addition to simply cleaning the surface of teeth, these appointments provide dentists with an opportunity to evaluate the patient’s overall oral health.
Why is it important to seek professional assistance in removing plaque and tartar?
Over time, all people experience a buildup of plaque and tartar on the surface of their teeth. In most cases, individuals are able to remove plaque with proper oral hygiene techniques such as brushing and flossing. Tartar, however, is a different matter and requires professional intervention. When tartar is present on the surface of the teeth, it triggers the body’s immune system to respond. This creates a series of “battles” within the mouth where the immune system works to fight off what it perceives as infection. The response can be inflamed and bleeding gums, which can lead to gum disease. Over time, untreated gum disease can lead to the loss of both teeth and bone.
What is gum disease, and will how can dental cleaning help?
Gum disease occurs when the normal connection between the gum tissue and the surface of teeth is compromised. This begins when a small pocket is created at the gum line. The body responds with inflammation, and the production of an enzyme that can further eat away at gum tissue, making the pocket deeper. Gingivitis is another form of the disease and leads to sensitive or bleeding gums. Gingivitis can be addressed with improved oral hygiene habits and regular specialized cleaning. Periodontitis is an advanced gum disease that occurs when a patient has developed deep pockets where their teeth meet their gum line. Left untreated, periodontitis can lead to the loss of teeth and bone tissue.